The Princeton Clergy Association’s Annual Interfaith Service to Commemorate and honor the legacy of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King will be on Monday, January 17, 7 to 8:30 p.m., at Princeton United Methodist Church, 7 Vandeventer Ave. in Princeton. Parking is available in the Park Place lot and in Princeton University’s Lot 10.
Rev. Catherine Williams, pastoral care assistant at PUMC, will preach, and Rev. Bob Moore of the Coalition for Peace Action will be among the faith leaders from many traditions who will lead the service.
Another observance of the day: the Arts Council of Princeton will host an afternoon of creative learning, artistic expression, and hands-on fun for children, all in an effort to bring Dr. King’s efforts to life. The program will be Monday, January 17, 1 to 4 p.m., at the Paul Robeson Center for the Arts. Participating will be Kidsbridge Tolerance Museum, the Historical Society of Princeton, and the Princeton High School Community Service Group.
Princeton University will hold its annual celebration on Monday at 1 p.m. in Richardson Auditorium, Alexander Hall. Schoolchildren who have won a “Trumpets of Conscience Award” will receive their prizes. For an account of last year’s celebration, click here.