Many young people have been casualties in the ongoing debate about homosexuality, says Rev. Don Brash, resident theologian of Princeton United Methodist Church (PUMC). As part of PUMC’s Troubling Issues series, he will screen a 45-minute film, “Through My Eyes,” on Sunday, May 6, at 4 p.m. In this film more than two dozen young people, who are gay, share their experiences, thoughts and feelings. They are not actors; all have a personal stake in the debate and hope that that their stories will make a difference in what is one of the most controversial and important social topics of our time.
“This film puts real people – with real faces and real stories – into the discussion otherwise often held only in the abstract,” says Brash. The screening will be followed by an open and frank discussion. PUMC is on the corner of Nassauand Vandeventer; the Park Placelot is free on Sundays. The church is ADAaccessible. For information call 609-924-2613, email or go to
One reader notes that sometimes “hate crimes” against homosexuals are not always what they seem and points to ABC's 20/20 report, by Diane Vargas, on the Matthew Shepherd murder