Private Showing
of the new movie
Thursday, May 24th
6-9 PM at the
Hamilton AMC Theaters
(325 Sloan Ave in Hamilton;
Sloan Ave Exit A off I-295) 

Kidsbridge, along with the JCC / Jewish Community Center of Princeton, Mercer & Bucks and the Jewish Family & Children’s
 Services are sponsoring a private screening of the new, graphic movie, “BULLY.”
Tickets are $10 per person, and seating is limited.

Immediately following the movie, please stay to participate in small group discussions.  After these important three-hours you will:
  • Know how to recognize and reduce bullying
  • Be in command of new victim empowerment and anti-bullying strategies
  • Better understand how to leverage the power of friends and trusted adults
  • Be more empathetic towards others; when you understand how words and actions can really hurt the feelings of others
Due to the graphic nature of “BULLY,” kids sixth grade and up are encouraged to attend. Parents, teachers, guidance counselors and other educators, this event is one not to be missed for you as well!
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To order tickets, click on here:
In an email, include your name, address, telephone number, email address and the number of tickets being requested.  You’ll receive a return email indicating how to continue with your order.