Upcoming Events of Interest during Black History Month and Thereafter
compiled by Wilma Solomon
compiled by Wilma Solomon
edited on February 7,, 2013.
Also see listing on the Princeton Theological Seminary Website for additional events: http://www.ptsem.edu/index.aspx?id=25769804988
Now Through June 30, The African American Museum in Philadelphia, 701 Arch Street, Philadelphia, (215) 574-0380featuring The Mary Wilson Supremes Collection clothing worn during the Supremes hay day
Now Through June 2, National Museum of American Jewish History, Philadelphia, South Independence Mall East, “Beyond Swastika and Jim Crow: Jewish Refugee Scholars at Black Colleges” tells the story of some Jewish academics from Germany and Austria who came to the U.S. after being dismissed from their teaching positions in the 1930s and found positions at historically black colleges and universities in the Jim Crow South.
Feb. 5 Tuesday 7 PM Princeton Public Library (PPL)-Scholar-led discussion on Douglas Blackmon’s book, “Slavery by Another Name.” Film based on the book will be shown Friday, Feb. 22 at the Princeton Public Library (see below). The author will be speaking at the Emancipation Proclamation Commemoration at Princeton High Schoolon Thursday, Feb. 28 (see below.)
Feb. 6 Wednesday, 12-1 PM, Princeton YWCA, Come and Celebrate Black History at the YWCA Princeton Lunch and Learn “The Olympic Moment that Became a Milestone in the Civil Rights Movement” featuring Kimme Carlos, the daughter of Dr. John Carlos, world athlete and Olympian who made headlines around the world for raising a black gloved fist in protest against racism and economic depression for all oppressed people during a victory ceremony at the 1968 Summer Olympics.
Kimme Carlos will discuss the 1968 Olympic demonstration and her father’s philosphies on life, sports, and the fight for fairness and equality. Ms. Carlos is an author, facilitator, and motivational speaker and
works for the African Studies Association at RutgersUniversity, which brings together people with a scholarly and professional interest in Africa. She lives in New Jerseyand is currently writing her second book. Bring your lunch! Light refreshments provided.Reservations preferred. Contact Debra Raines, Director of Mission Advancement at draines@ywcaprinceton.org or (609) 497-2100 ext. 307.
Feb 6 4:30-6 Film, The Final Gift; 6 -6:30-Discussion with filmmakers, 6:30-7–Reception- sponsored by Princeton University PACE Center Whig Hall Senate Chamber. Film Synopsis:While completing the memoir, Coffee Shop God, Thérèse was drawn to the story and voice of her brother’s killer. She questioned – what was his life like before the night he shot Steve? What is his life like now in prison, and what will life be like for him once he is released? Bartholomew’s film, The Final Gift, seeks to answer these questions and to make sense of the tragedy that will forever link her to the young man who killed her brother. The film addresses universal ideas of forgiveness and redemption as well as the larger societal questions – how do we make peace with crime, support the victims, and restore the offenders?
Feb. 6 Wed. 7 PM PPL Film: “Broken on All Sides” centers on the intersection of race and poverty within the criminal justice system and the belief that mass incarceration of blacks has become today’s version of Jim Crow segregation. Pillischer will lead a post-screening discussion. Community Room http://www.princetonlibrary.org/events/2013/02/film-and-discussion-%E2%80%9Cbroken-all-sides%E2%80%9D
POSTPONED: Feb 8 Fri 6:45 p.m. Lutheran Churchof the Messiah, 407 Nassau St. “I Was in Prison: Re-Membering Jesus in the U.S. Lockdown, lecture by Professor Mark Taylor of Princeton Theological Seminary. Professor Taylor has been active in working on issues related to incarceration for many years.
Feb. 12 Tuesday 7 PM PPL Author led discussion: “The Hour of Peril: The Secret Plot to Murder Lincoln Before the Civil War” by Daniel Stashower
Feb. 12 Tuesday 7 PM Princeton University, Elaine Pagels delivers the 2013 James Baldwin Lecture “Art, Music and Politics in the Book of Revelation” McCormick Hall, Room 101. Free.
Feb. 13 Wed. 7 PM PPL Film: “Looking for Lincoln” by Henry Louis Gates, Jr. http://princetonlibrary.org/events/2013/02/film-%E2%80%9Clooking-lincoln%E2%80%9
Feb. 14 Thurs. 7-9 PM, PPL Princeton Room, Second Floor. Black Voices Book Group. Discuss a work by an African American author.
Feb. 16 Saturday 9:15 AM-4 PM Mass Incarceration Documentary Series and Discussion: PrincetonUniversity’s Carl Fields Center, 58 Prospect St.
(Film times may switch): “House I Live In” 9:15am-11:15am
“Long Distance Revolutionary” 12:30-2:30pm Panel Discussion 2:45-4:00pm
Feb. 19 Tuesday 7 PM PPL Scholar led discussion on ”Abraham Lincoln” by James McPherson. (Note–McPherson himself will participate in the Emancipation Proclamation Community Commemoration on Feb,28–see below)
February 21 Thursday at 7 – 9:30 PM, Montclair Art Museum Freedom Riders: Democracy in Action Screening & Panel Discussion 973-746-5555
WhereAction (map)
DescriptionSIXTH ANNUAL MONTCLAIR AFRICAN AMERICAN FILM FESTIVAL The Montclair Art Museum’s African American Cultural Committee (AACC) proudly collaborates with the Montclair African American Heritage Committee for the Sixth Annual Film Festival. The festival will include film screenings and discussions on topics relevant to the evolution of Black American cinema from the early 20th century to the present. Thursday, February 21: Freedom Riders: Democracy in Action 6:30 – 7 p.m. Pre-film Screening Reception 7 – 9 p.m. Film screening of Freedom Riders 9 – 9:30 p.m. Panel Discussion.
From May until December 1961, more than 400 black and white Americans risked their lives by simply traveling together through the Deep South. Deliberately violating Jim Crow laws, the Freedom Riders’ belief in non-violent activism was sorely tested as mob violence and bitter racism greeted them along the way. Facing History and Ourselves is an educational partner for this PBS American Experience film, and workshop participants will learn about southern segregation laws and models of political resistance during the Civil Rights Movement.
Feb. 22 Fri. 7 PM PPL Film: “Slavery by Another Name”–Based on the book which is discussed on Feb. 5– http://www.princetonlibrary.org/events/2013/02/film-%E2%80%9Cslavery-another-name%E2%80%9D
Feb. 25 Monday, 1:30 PM, Stories from the South, 40 The Reading Senior Center, 15 Ring Old St., A celebration of African American courage, dignity, beauty and honor includes performances from Dr. Cecelia Hodges, Karen Carson, Mickelle Jackson and others. A potpourri of music, narratives, dance and fun.
Feb. 25 (Meets Monthly) Monday 7:30 PM Barnes and Noble, African American Book Group, Marketfair, 3535 US Route 1, Princeton, NJ 08540, 609-897-9250 Please contact crm2646@bn.com with any questions.
Feb. 28 Thursday 7 PM–Community Commemoration of Emancipation Proclamation
PHS Performing Arts Center
March 3 and April 3 Sunday 11:45 AM after the worship service: Book discussion on “The New Jim Crow” at Witherspoon Street Presbyterian Church, 124 Witherspoon Street. The discussion is open to anyone who wishes to attend. . info@witherspoonchurch.org 609-924-1666
March 4 (every first Monday, October-June) 7:30 PM PPL–Not In Our Town’s Continuing Conversations on Race. http://www.princetonlibrary.org/events/2012/12/continuing-conversations-race
March 14 Thursday 7 PM Princeton YWCA Discussion, “Now Hear This” looking at the New Jim Crow as it relates to women, children and their families. http://www.ywcaprinceton.org/pdf/Mission/Now%20Hear%20This%20winter12-13.pdf
Here is the Link for the Princeton Public Library (PPL) Connections bulletin which also lists all the events at the Library: