The Human Services department of Princeton will present a forum on the healthcare market place on November 26 at 6:00 p.m. in the Princeton Public Library Community Room
“Our purpose is to educate Princeton residents on the Market Place Insurance — what it means, how it affects them, application process, deadlines, and an overview of each health insurance provider,” says Elisa Neira, the executive director of Princeton Human Services.
Sponsors include Princeton at Plainsboro Hospital, Princeton Health Department,
Corner House, HiTOPS, Princeton Clergy Association, YMCA, Princeton Community Housing, Jewish Family and Children Services, Latin American Defense and Education Fund – LALDEF, and Not in Our Town Princeton
An education trainer for the Princeton at Plainsboro Hospital will give the first part of the training which will cover: what it means, how it affects them, application process, deadlines
Each health insurance provider will have 15-20 minutes to talk about what they offer, their plans, and options, followed by Q and A. All are welcome.