Life Sentences:
Memoir-Writing in a Women’s Maximum-Security Prison
Michele Lise Tarter will speak about her work in a women’s maximum-security prison on Sunday, February 16, starting at about 7 p.m., at the Princeton Friends Meeting First Day School.
The talk will be preceded by a potluck starting at 6 p.m. The public is invited to both events, and certainly welcome to just the talk. The meeting grounds are entered from Quaker Road just where it meets Mercer Road.
In 2001, Michele developed a memoir-writing program to help inmates reclaim their spirits, their relationships, and their lives through the power of the written word.
Most notably, she involves her TCNJ college students in this work at every turn: to co-design and co-teach the class each semester with her. More than 40 serve as typists and editors, in the compilation of the women’s autobiographies; and even more work in overseeing book drives to replenish the library Michele’s program has set up in maximum-security.
Michele is a member of Haddonfield Monthly Meeting in NJ and is a professor of English at the College of New Jersey
Click on this link for directions more info: Ann Yasuhara,, 609-977-3260