Not in Our Town Princeton is supporting the YWCA’s Stand Against Racism campaign to end racial profiling, the New Jim Crow, and racism in general. It is imperative that we take a stance against ignorance, injustice, and hate.
Not in Our Town intends to support the national campaign as well as foster the spirit of the campaign within our greater Princeton community.
Please participate in the national campaigns and call for an end to racial profiling! Push your legislators to pass a bill to end racial profiling once and for all.
On social media, these are the national hashtags:
And NIOT Princeton would like to push for the local hashtag of #PrincetonAgainstRacism. We, as the Princeton Community, must demonstrate that we will not tolerate racism in our town.
And NIOT Princeton would like to push for the local hashtag of #PrincetonAgainstRacism. We, as the Princeton Community, must demonstrate that we will not tolerate racism in our town.
Here are some sample tweets:
I stand against racism because my race does not define me. #PrincetonAgainstRacism #EndRacialProfiling #StandAgainstRacism
I stand against racism because there cannot be another murder like that of #WalterScott. #PrincetonAgainstRacism
I stand against racism because I believe in human rights, acceptance, and equality #PrincetonAgainstRacism
Please use these hashtags widely and support #StandAgainstRacism! Check our Facebook page as well as the pages of redefy, Princeton CHOOSE, The Campaign to End the New Jim Crow in Trenton and Princeton, and others to see the power of these campaigns.
— by Ziad Ahmed