Earlier this week, Kirsten West Savali published a thoughtful and wrenching account of what it is like for her to write columns on race and racism from her hometown in Mississippi.
She says, “I write so I can live. I write so black people can see their pain, strength and beauty illuminated in a white-washed media reeking with the stench of implicit and explicit racial bias that too often fails to recognise any of the three.”
Read the full piece here.
Kristen West Savali speaks volumes to the spilled blood beneath all the soil in America seeking social change. Change is never immediate or applied over night; however, during heightened incidents of racial violence and social injustices there is a new awareness that remain inside our souls to never be forgotten. Indian and African heritage beliefs that one must know from which they have come from in order to understand the journey before them. There are no accidents in this world, yet if we continue to ignore the obvious summons for change our lives will suffer. When one suffers we all suffer regardless if we realize it or not…