The short documentary film, An Act of Faith, produced and directed by Trenton Museum Society trustee Diane Ciccone is being shown at Ellarslie, Trenton City Museum, Cadwalader Park, Trenton, New Jersey, on Sunday afternoon, February 21, 2016 at 2 pm. The film tells the story of Glen Acres, an integrated neighborhood built off Alexander Road just over the Princeton border in West Windsor.

An Act of Faith received an honorable mention at the 2013 New Jersey Fall International Film Festival in the short document category and an honorable mention at the 2013 Black Maria Film Festival. Diane Ciccone will moderate this event. A panel of architects and community leaders will discuss today’s challenges and the importance of integrated neighborhoods.  There will be a question and answer session.

$10, Members $5 – payable at the door.

Phone: (609) 989-3632