This April kicks off the annual Reading Without Walls Challenge. Expand your kids’ reading horizons by recommending a book outside their comfort zones that fits one of these categories:

1) A book about a character who doesn’t look or live like the reader. Diversity comes in many forms: race, religion, gender, geography, sexual orientation, class, ability, and more.

2) A book about a topic the reader doesn’t know much about. Explore the world with a STEM book. Dive into a book on sports. Become immersed in a memoir, historical fiction, or nonfiction title.

3) A book in a format that they don’t normally read for fun. This includes alternate types of books, such as picture books, graphic novels, audiobook, and books in verse.

Reading Without Walls seeks to promote diversity and open readers’ eyes to new ideas and experiences; to spread appreciation and understanding for others; and to learn new and exciting things.  Use the link above to download an accompanying activity guide.