by lindaoppenheim | Dec 1, 2018 | Continuing Conversations, Events
Rev. Dr. Charles Franklin Boyer, a recognized leader of social justice causes, will speak at Not in Our Town Princeton’s December 3 Continuing Conversation. Rev. Boyer has said, “As an African American minister of the gospel, I am compelled to fight and...
by lindaoppenheim | Nov 2, 2018 | Continuing Conversations, Events
Black Citizenship in the Age of Jim Crow, a current exhibit at the New York Historical Society Museum and Library, explores the struggle for full citizenship and racial equality that unfolded in the 50 years after the Civil War. When slavery ended in 1865, a period of...
by lindaoppenheim | Sep 28, 2018 | Continuing Conversations
Many residents of urban communities experience violence, abuse and crime in their neighborhoods on a daily or weekly basis. Dr. Dale Caldwell will discuss the effect of this continuous trauma in urban communities and ways to ameliorate it at the next Continuing...
by lindaoppenheim | Sep 2, 2018 | Continuing Conversations, Events
Is fighting the good fight getting you down? You are not alone. Dr. Don Trahan, Jr., Director of Student Diversity & Inclusion at The College of New Jersey, will address social determinants of mental health in ourselves, our community and our nation, during...
by lindaoppenheim | Jul 3, 2018 | Community Meeting, Continuing Conversations
As many of you know, NOT IN OUR TOWN PRINCETON is a multi-racial, multi-faith group of individuals who stand together for racial justice and inclusive communities. Our focus is to promote the equitable treatment of all, and to uncover and confront white supremacy — a...
by lindaoppenheim | May 6, 2018 | Continuing Conversations, Events
Dr. Poe Johnson will lead off Monday’s conversation with a presentation on the “Influence of White Supremacy and Complicity,” examining “the ubiquity of white complicity toward elements of white supremacy within practical and symbolic...