by lindaoppenheim | Sep 22, 2016 | Review
Manohla Durgis and A. O. Scott review several high-profile features about African-Americans due for release in fall, 2016.
by lindaoppenheim | Jul 13, 2015 | Review
Ta-Nehisi Coates, writer for the Atlantic and author of an article on reparations in that journal, is interviewed by Terry Gross on NPR’s Fresh Air, after the publication of his book Between the World and Me. Read a review of the book by Hope Wabuke on The...
by lindaoppenheim | May 6, 2015 | Events, Review
In the current issue of U.S. 1, Ilene Dube describes the Wendel A. White exhibition at the New Jersey State Museum. “Entering the Wendel White exhibit at the New Jersey State Museum, one gets a sensation similar to that when visiting the Holocaust Museum. Here...
by lindaoppenheim | Jan 24, 2015 | Review
According to Jennifer Gonnerman’s review in the New York Times Sunday Book Review (January 21, 2015), Jill Leovy, a reporter for the Los Angeles Times “argues that as a nation we have grown far too accepting of our high rate of homicide . . . in large part...