by lindaoppenheim | Oct 31, 2018 | Events
Nicole Homer, Professor of English at MCCC, will deliver a talk on Wednesday, November 7, at noon in the Communications Building, Room 109. Her talk is part of MCCC’s fall 2018 Distinguished Lecture Series at the West Windsor Campus, 1200 Old Trenton Road. The lecture...
by lindaoppenheim | Sep 11, 2018 | Article, schools
“Research shows that students, especially boys, benefit when teachers share their race or gender. Yet most teachers are white women.” Claire Cain Miller reports on several studies about the impact of teacher gender and race on student achievement. While...
by lindaoppenheim | Feb 13, 2018 | Article, Video
While some facial recognition software can identify gender, the accuracy of its results varies by skin tone and gender, accurate 99 percent of the time if the photo is of white men, but erroneous up to 35 per cent of the time “for images of darker skinned...