by lindaoppenheim | Aug 8, 2018 | Events
The Joint Effort Safe Streets program presents the inaugural Jim Floyd Memorial Lecture on Saturday, August 11 at 10 am at the Witherspoon Street Presbyterian Church, 112 Witherspoon Street. Chet W. Sisk will be speaking on Afrofuturism.
by lindaoppenheim | Aug 13, 2016 | Article, Community Meeting
“There is something about black neighborhoods, or at least poor black neighborhoods, that make them seem irresistible to gentrification,” wrote Michael Henry Adams in the The End of Black Harlem published in the New York Times on May 27,...
by lindaoppenheim | Aug 13, 2016 | Awards, Community Meeting, Speech
Friday, August 12 was Day 5 of the “Joint-Effort – Princeton Safe Streets week 2016. The Witherspoon-Jackson Community hosted “The Shoulders We Stand On,” a hope and history recognition program, at First Baptist Church Princeton. The events...