by lindaoppenheim | May 17, 2023
Princeton High School racial literacy students offer their annual presentation in person at the library. The goal of racial literacy is not a singular destination, instead it is an open acknowledgement that literacy is multi-faceted and requires a life-long commitment...
by lindaoppenheim | May 31, 2019 | Continuing Conversations, Events
One year after the first Princeton High School Racial Literacy class was taught, Dr. Joy Barnes-Johnson, Ms. Patty Manhart, and their students will present “Racial Literacy: Tell Me Who You Are” As Dr. B-J wrote, “The goal of racial literacy is not a singular...
by lindaoppenheim | Feb 27, 2019 | Call to Action, Events
Support Princeton High School’s Minority Student Achievement Network (MSAN) by donating a book, new or gently used, by an African American or Multicultural author for the Project Lit Book Club, which aims to share these books with Princeton Public School...
by lindaoppenheim | Feb 7, 2019 | Events
We will start collecting books in a bin near the Princeton High School Main Office starting on LOVE DAY (February 14)! To attend the cultural celebration, reply here. Labyrinth Books is creating a table of subject appropriate books for people to buy and...
by lindaoppenheim | Jan 28, 2019 | Events
The Princeton Public Library, the Princeton High School Mandarin classes and the school’s Chinese Club will host a celebration of Chinese New Year for all ages featuring traditional music and instruments, martial arts, calligraphy, painting, dance, origami,...