Why I’m Giving Up on “Allies”

Ernest Owens lists five ways the idea of “allyship” has proved lacking. “Being in solidarity suggests that you come without prejudgments, conditions, or self-interests in supporting marginalized people — it’s about shifting the focus on those who...

Programs on Privilege, April 8 – June 11, 2017

All of these programs will take place via video conferencing – all you need is a computer and telephone to fully participate! 1.Patterns of Privilege: Their Impact on Our Sense of Belonging and Worth with Sarah Peyton – Saturday, April 8, 9:00-10:30am Pacific Time In...

No surprise: social status matters

Challenging our most cherished beliefs about college as a great equalizer and the job market as a level playing field, Lauren A. Rivera’s new book, Pedigree: How Elite Students Get Elite Jobs, exposes the class biases built into American notions about the best...