by lindaoppenheim | Dec 19, 2016 | Uncategorized
In 1846, when sales slackened, New York Life began issuing policies insuring the lives of slaves. Reporter Rachel L. Swarns illustrates how numerous companies in a variety of industries profited from slavery. Sharon Ann Murphy, a historian at Providence College, told...
by lindaoppenheim | Sep 1, 2016 | Article, Documents, Opinion
According to the New York Times article, “The university’s president, John J. DeGioia, who will discuss steps to atone for its past in a speech on Thursday afternoon, also plans to offer a formal apology, create an institute for the study of slavery and erect a...
by lindaoppenheim | Mar 23, 2015 | Article
New York Times, following on the Starbucks “Race Together” initiative, describes employees’ efforts to discuss race relations with their colleagues.