by lindaoppenheim | Nov 30, 2022
The Little Mermaid movie, starring Halle Bailey, won’t be released until 2023 and already there have been waves of protest about a Black actor being cast for what the outraged consider a “White” role. Why is so...
by lindaoppenheim | Jun 3, 2019 | Events
Labyrinth and the Princeton Public Library invite you to be part of the book launch for Winona Guo and Priya Vulchi’s Tell Me Who You Are. Come listen to the co-authors and Princeton natives tell their story; and bring your questions! In their inspiring book,...
by lindaoppenheim | Apr 16, 2019 | Events
The discussion continues. You are welcome even if you have not yet read the book. A couple of copies are available for purchase and borrowing.
by lindaoppenheim | Mar 11, 2019 | Events
Based on the true story of Paul Robeson’s visit to the front lines of the Spanish Civil War comes this recollection of his courage and activism by his granddaughter, Susan Robeson. Labyrinth Books Princeton, Princeton Public Library, and the Paul Robeson House invite...