Self-Writing in the Caribbean: An “I” for an “Eye”

Speakers: Paloma Duong (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Rafael Rojas (Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas, México), Ana Rodríguez Navas (Loyola University Chicago) Discussant: Rubén Gallo (Princeton University) Chair: Rodney Lebrón Rivera (G3,...

(An)archiving the Caribbean: Matters, Methods, Meanings

Speakers: Yolanda Martínez-San Miguel (University of Miami), Jocelyn Fenton Stitt (St. Catherine’s University), Marisa J. Fuentes (Rutgers University) Discussant: Rachel Price (Princeton University) Chair: Andy Alfonso (DCE1, Spanish and Portuguese, Princeton...

Formerly Enslaved Dane, a Pioneer to Iceland

Hans Jonathan, born enslaved in St. Croix a Danish possession in 1784, fled to Iceland when a Danish court denied his assertion that he was granted freedom by the crown prince for service in the Danish navy.  The Danish government rejected a request by one of his...