The Every 28 Hours Plays

Monday, Oct. 24, 7-9pm @ McCarter’s Theatre’s Berlind Stage “Every 28 Hours” is a theater project and national partnership inspired by the widely-shared and hotly-debated statistic that a black person is killed by the police, security guards, or...

Black Prophetic Rage in the Age of Ferguson

Reverend Osagyefo Sekou, pleaded not guilty at Ferguson.“I will not submit to be charged with praying, nor do I accept the righteousness of the some 60 charges laid against those participating in the Moral Monday protests during Ferguson October,” said Reverend...

Documenting Ferguson

Washington University Library’s Documenting Ferguson was a winner of the National Digital Stewardship Alliance’s 2015  Innovation Award.  The website states its purpose: “Documenting Ferguson is a digital repository that seeks to preserve and make...