by lindaoppenheim | Oct 3, 2022
Holding the Line for your Neighbor – The Story of George Floyd Square – Jeanelle Austin, Executive Director and co-founder of the George Floyd Global Memorial and Lead Caretaker of the memorials at George Floyd Square, will join us to share the story of...
by lindaoppenheim | Jan 1, 2019 | Opinion, Truth and Reconciliation
William C. Anderson’s essay is “A reflection on the commodification of Jim Crow’s violence through public memorials. It’s imperative for those paying respects to understand and interrogate civil rights museums, memorials, and any other commemorations of...
by lindaoppenheim | Aug 16, 2018 | Article, Truth and Reconciliation
Journalists John Eligon and Trymaine Lee recently toured Southern states to take a measure of attitudes toward preserving the history of the Confederacy and slavery. Among those interviewed were descendants of enslavers, including Jefferson Davis, and enslaved. ...
by lindaoppenheim | Aug 7, 2018 | Article, Truth and Reconciliation
“[I]t took 52 years for historical markers to be erected at locations related to the teenager’s death, which galvanized the civil rights movement after the acquittal. And now, at the spot marking where Till’s body was pulled from the river, it took just 35 days...
by lindaoppenheim | Jun 3, 2018 | Podcast
On the Media’s Brooke Gladstone talks to the Equal Justice Initiative’s Bryan Stevenson about what inspired him to create The Legacy Museum and memorial and to historian Sir Richard Evans about the denazification process in Germany after World War. To...