by lindaoppenheim | Dec 4, 2018 | Article
The November 2019 issue of the Columbia Journalism Review has several articles of interest: “Missing the Story” by Jelani Cobb, about what is often lost when white journalists write stories that deal with race, “Newsrooms have failed spectacularly at...
by lindaoppenheim | Dec 17, 2017 | Documents
Dr. Travis L. Dixon, Professor of Communication and the Communication Alumni Professorial Scholar University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, is the author of a report for the Color of Change, the national civil rights organization. “The study analyzed relevant...
by lindaoppenheim | Aug 25, 2016 | Broadcast, Continuing Conversations, Documents
Gene Demby of NPR’s Code Switch reports on “New data from the Pew Research Center [that] strongly suggests that . . . white people really are much less likely to talk about racial issues on social media.” He quotes Monica Anderson, the lead...
by lindaoppenheim | Aug 23, 2016 | Article, Uncategorized
“Rather than covering race all at once or assigning a single reporter to the topic, The New York Times has created a team of journalists in different departments throughout the newsroom who conceive and develop stories related to the subject,” Benjamin...