by lindaoppenheim | Jan 15, 2023
Matthew Desmond & Keeanga Yamahtta-Taylor; Introduced by Andrea Elliott. In his new book, the Pulitzer Prize–winning author of Evicted reimagines the debate on poverty, making a new and bracing argument about why it persists in America: because the rest of us...
by lindaoppenheim | Jun 28, 2022
Conversation with Andrea Elliott, Pulitzer Prize winning author of Invisible Child, Chanel Sykes, homeless advocate and mother featured in Invisible Child, and James Perry, president and CEO of the Winston-Salem Urban League. The discussion will be moderated by...
by lindaoppenheim | Jun 9, 2018 | Call to Action
Join the New Jersey Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival in DC on June 23 for the Rally to Fight Poverty Not the Poor! Sign up here to let us know you are joining our NJ delegation at the Rally and tell us if you are interested in taking a...
by lindaoppenheim | Mar 22, 2018 | Events
On Thursday, March 29 at 6 pm at Labyrinth Books, Nassau Street, Princeton, the Housing Initiative of Princeton (HIP) is hosting a conversation between Virginia Eubanks, Associate Professor of Political Science at the University at Albany, SUNY and author of...