This first public showing of the documentary film, “Glen Acres, a Story in Black and White,” explores the development of a historic neighborhood in West Windsor whose residents committed to a vision of racial equality and harmony at a time when few thought that an integrated neighborhood was desirable or possible. The film was written and directed by Diane Ciccone (pictured), West Windsor resident and an elected member of the Town Council.
The program, co-sponsored by the African-American Parents Support Group, the Human Relations Council, the West Windsor Branch of the Mercer County Library System, the Friends of the West Windsor Library and the West Windsor Arts Council, will take place on Sunday, February 27, from 3 to 5 p.m., at the West Windsor Arts Center. Free event parking is available at the Wallace Road Special Permit Lot.
Refreshments and discussion will follow the film. The program is free, with a suggested contribution of $5.