Prince Among Slaves, a compelling documentary, tells the story of Abdul Rahman, an African prince who was sold into slavery in the American South in 1788. It will be shown at the Princeton Public Library on Monday, December 5, at 6:30 p.m. in the Community Room.
Not in Our Town Princeton will postpone its usual “first Monday” session of “Continuing Conversations on Race.” Instead, everyone is urged to attend this documentary, which won first prize at the 2007 Black Film Festival.
Based on the biography written by Terry Alford, it explores the global nature of slavery and the role and identity of Muslims in early America.
Alford will be present for the screening and will introduce keynote speaker, Kwame Anthony Appiah, the Laurence S. Rockefeller University Professor of Philosophy at Princeton University. A native of Ghana, he has a PhD from Cambridge University, and his interests include political and moral theory, the philosophy of language and mind, and African intellectual history. Refreshments will be served.
Co-sponsored by the library, Unity Productions and Not In Our Town Princeton, this program is funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities.