The worst crime of slavery, even worse than physical abuse, is the erosion of dignity. So said Princeton University professor Kwame Apiah in his remarks after the Princeton Public Library showing of the film “Prince Among Slaves” last month. Not in Our Town Princeton will offer an opportunity to discuss the film, and Apiah’s remarks, as part of the Continuing Conversations series on Monday, January 2, at 7:30 p.m. at the Princeton Public Library.

Wilma Solomon and Marietta Taylor will lead the discussion. Those who did not see the film are welcome to attend and might also want to check out the website of the film.
“What you are essentially doing is you are removing the identity of an individual and you are giving him a very different identity-one that you as a slave owner choose and this communicates very effectively that the person is now a slave…the person is now chattel..the person is now someone who is owned.”

A question to think about: If “dignity” is defined as the state of quality of being worthy of honor or respect, to what degree do you think that African Americans and people of color today are treated in such a way as to diminish their identity and dignity?
All are welcome to NIOT’s Continuing Conversation on Monday, January 2.

(This post also appears at Princeton Comment).