Congratulations to all who led, and all who participated in the third of Not in Our Town’s series Bullying – Changing the Culture at the Princeton Public Library, Transcending Punishment – the Healing Approach to Bullying, workshop.
It was very well attended — the room was full and the whole spectrum of the community participated — students (Middle and High School), principals Gary Snyder from PHS, and Jason Burr from JWMS, educators, police officers, community program providers (GAIA-Corner House, HiTops, YWCA, Kidsbridge), parents. There was a wonderful sense of community. Jane Martin, of Volitions Wellness Solutions and Retribe’s Social Pathways, had a demanding job to keep everyone engaged and did this very well. She gave a detailed overview of approaches to bullying programs and theories and involved two Project GAIA students in a short skit as well. The transition into small groups went remarkably smoothly. We definitely got a taste of how to frame and act more effectively in a conflict/bullying situation. (Photo shows Jane and the circled groups hard at work).

And speaking of conversations, Monday, February 4, 7:30 at the Library, will be a Continuing Conversation devoted to the themes begun that night.
Continuing Conversations on Race offer a safe space to discuss difficult topics — issues of relevance to our community and nation. These first monthly sessions, planned and facilitated by Not in Our Town in Partnership with the Princeton Public Library, are a friendly, confidential opportunity to share ideas and voice concerns.