Two showings of the short film, “Redemption of the Prosecutor“, which is about prison isolation, will be shown tomorrow, Saturday, November 9 at 2 and 3:30 PM at the Turning Point United Methodist Church in Trenton, 15 South Broad St. For details: Both Biewings will be followed by a brief but informative discussion. Also presented at this event will be information on future events and opportunities for deeper involvement.
Wednesday, Nov. 13 – 7 pm John Zerillo will facilitate a book discussion of The New Jim Crow at the Lawrenceville Library, Darrah Lane and Route 1 South.
MONDAY, NOV. 18 at 2PM (Note date change) – Legislative Hearing on Ban the Box Please contact Jean Ross,, if you would like to testify. Jean will assist.
Tuesday, November 19, End New Jim Crow/Princeton meeting at the Princeton Public Library 7:30 to 9:00.
Saturday, Nov. 30–Screening of “Broken on All Sides” and Forum, “Call to Action”, 9:30-3:00, Union Baptist Church, Pennington Ave, Trenton
Sunday, December 8–10 am–12 Noon: Race, Justice and Mass Incarceration in America, The Jewish Center, 435 Nassau St., Princeton