Why is the white doll the good doll? In a study of kindergarten children, both black children and white chidlren chose the white doll as their favorite. Blacks and whites alike have been programmed since birth to think that whites are better. Black children are taught to be aware of their behavior at all times, because of possible danger, while white kids have the privilege of just being kids.

Debra Raines, Director of Mission Advancement at the Princeton YWCA, and Barbara Fox will lead the Continuing Conversations on Race and White Privilege on Monday, December 2, at 7:30 p.m. at the Princeton Public Library. “In the context of the YWCA’s mission — to eliminate racism, empower women — we will consider the particular cases of two men and two women,” says Raines.
The men: George Zimmerman (trigger happy and violent against both blacks and women) and George Stinney (shown left, at 14, the youngest male executed in the 20th century. Also the case of Eleanor Bumpers (fatally shot in New York in 1984 during an attempted eviction)  and Reneisha McBride (shot by a Detroit man when she knocked on his door in the middle of the night.)
Then identify what you THINK is helping
and what you think is HURTING.
What is your role on either side?
Continuing Conversations on Race and White Privilege are a friendly, safe, confidential opportunity to share ideas and voice concerns. They are planned and facilitated by Not in Our Town Princeton and held on first Mondays, from October through May, in partnership with the Princeton Public Library. All are invited.