Nearly 70 people came to hear NIOT’s excellent panel at Princeton Public Library on Thursday, with Ted Fetter (center of group photo) moderating four panelists (in order of photos: Joseph Moore, Michael Lipsky, Shirley Satterfield, and Benjamin Colbert) and two contributors (Mary Stevens, a Freedom Summer participant, and Gail Mitchell, who made the quilt that the panelists were able to sign).
Join the conversation! See the Freedom Summer display at the John Witherspoon School through Sunday, and at the Carl A. Fields Center from November 25 to December 5. You can also peruse the source site at the Wisconsin Historical Society and attend the film at the Garden Theater on Sunday, November 23. For free film tickets, sign up here.
The Freedom Summer series is cosponsored by Not in Our Town, The Garden Theatre, the Princeton Public Library, and the National Endowment for the Humanities.