Ferguson: How Do We Heal the Hurt…. The Rage…….The Frustration….The Deep Reopened Wounds That Bind Us? How do we use this senseless loss to fuel change that will prevent future tragedies? Please join us in our ongoing commitment to make a real difference.
If we don’t keep speaking out and acknowledging the truth of our country’s history, then when the rubber hits the road, as in Ferguson, …we step up loudly….then eventually lapse back into discouragement …and then complacency…. and then things like Blacks being accused of complaining, folks saying, “I don’t see color”, backlash against immigration reform, voting rights, poverty, environment, white washing education, etc., result … until the next crisis occurs. How do we persevere, keep chipping away, keep the spirits up….yet also make “significant” impact, to keep us from lapsing back into the cycle of discouragement and complacency?
What is your response to the question? Discussion will take place at Continuing Conversation on Race and White Privilege, Monday, December 1, 2014, 7 to 9 pm at the Princeton Public Library, facilitated by Roberto Schiraldi and Fern Spruill.