U.S.1: To the Editor
Freedom Summer: 50 Years Later
This year marks the 50th anniversary of the Freedom Summer Project, the nonviolent effort by civil rights activists to integrate Mississippi’s segregated political system. Princeton was fortunate to have Robert Moses, one of the key leaders of the Project, speak at the John Witherspoon School on Sunday, November 16, at the opening of the exhibit about the project, “Risking Everything: a Freedom Summer Exhibit for Students.”
Curated by the Wisconsin Historical Society, the exhibit and the events surrounding it were presented with help from the Princeton Public Library, Not in Our Town, Princeton Public Schools, Princeton Garden Theater, Princeton University, and the National Endowment for the Humanities. We thank the panel — Ted Fetter, with Benjamin Colbert, Michael Lipsky, Joseph Moore, and Shirley Satterfield — who spoke to nearly 70 people on November 20.
Not in Our Town is an interracial, interfaith social action group united to advance the cause of racial justice. Princeton is the last stop for the exhibit’s national tour and the only stop in New Jersey. It can be viewed at Princeton University’s Carl A. Fields Center for Equality and Cultural Understanding, 58 Prospect Avenue, weekdays 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., through Friday, December 5.
Linda Oppenheim, Shirley Satterfield, Wilma Solomon, Don Stryker
Not in Our Town