As a follow-up to his series of columns in 2014, Nicholas Kristof points out the “racial disparities . . . [that] are as grave as ever”: wealth, sentencing, exposure to environmental hazards, education, job opportunities, etc. He refers to an NBA study that indicates that “when we humans realize our biases, we can adjust and act in ways that are more fair.” He concludes, “That’s why it is so important for whites to engage in these uncomfortable discussions of race, because we are (unintentionally) so much a part of the problem.” Not in Our Town provides the opportunity to talk about race on the first Monday of each month at the Princeton Public Library (7 pm). All you have to do is have the courage to come and open your heart to listen.
When Whites Just Don’t Get It, Revisted by Nicholas Kristof
by lindaoppenheim | Apr 3, 2016 | Continuing Conversations, Opinion | 0 comments