Princeton Chronicles, founded by Priya Vulchi, Not in Our Town board member, consists of Princeton High School students, who, under the guidance of local historian and Not in Our Town board member, Shirley Satterfield, and professional artist, Dressler Smith, have created portraits of prominent African American Princetonians. The Arts Council of Princeton, Paul Robeson Center for the Arts (102 Witherspoon Street Princeton, NJ 08542) is housing an exhibit of these portraits through the end of July 2016. On the project website, the “Tell Us About Your Hero” allows people to nominate an unrecognized historical figure from the Witherspoon-Jackson neighborhood to be added to the mural?
Princeton Chronicles Portrait Exhibit, June 25 – July 30, 2016
by lindaoppenheim | Jul 13, 2016 | Exhibit | 0 comments