“Frank Guan has written an important piece that helps deconstruct the historical elements of bigotry and resentment currently in play in the lives of Asian Americans, many of which have been amplified since the election. He starts with the recent incident on United. By leaking his past criminal troubles, ‘David Dao is being forced out of one narrative, that of the dutiful, nonblack professional, into another narrative: that of the recalcitrant, nonwhite criminal.’ “
The Model Minority in the Age of Trump By Frank Guan
by lindaoppenheim | Apr 14, 2017 | Opinion | 3 comments
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I feel perplexed when reading articles that use the ignorance of #45 as the undercurrent for all the incidents of violence, discrimination and marginalizing non-whites and women. I refuse to make all the responsibility his and believe that people and companies are not acting on their on agendas. Racism and all the “isms” have been a fabric of this country forever. The undercurrent of many accepted harsh treatments of African Americans as a way of life as though someone had to be the escape goat.
Today, the realities have arisen to hit many “progressives” in the face with the truth that surfaced as a part of the dinner conversation after the election. Mostly, White people are SHOCKED! People of color have endured these realities for centuries. The dinner conversation discord among White people has become front and center with family and friends abandoning the politeness around race and sexism. Adults are acting out, and children are emulating their parents in schools. Relationships have shifted, and there is a new awareness in the air that now wants to credit #45 for every public incident as though people and companies needed his permission to exercise racism, bigotry, discrimination, and acts of violence. Is the question are these events new? Or is the bigger question “What about your life has allowed you not to know about racism?”
“as though people and companies needed his permission to exercise racism, bigotry, discrimination, and acts of violence.” Brilliant
Thank you.