An EmbraceRace Community Conversation and Q&A
REGISTER TO JOIN this free, online, community conversation happening on Tuesday, September 26th at 5:30 pm PT/ 8:30 pm ET

Why We Gather. Six decades after Brown v. Board of Education, in which the Supreme Court unanimously declared state laws establishing separate schools for black and white students to be unconstitutional, US public schools are increasingly segregated by race and class. Black and Latinx students bear the brunt of that separation, with large shares of both groups trying to learn in schools that offer fewer math, science, and college-prep courses, fewer sports teams, and suffer much higher rates of suspensions and expulsions than the schools their White and more affluent peers attend. In New York City, home to among the most segregated schools in the country, IntegrateNYC4Me, a student-led effort, is pushing back hard against educational segregation and the inequities it represents in their city and across the country. Find out how, why, and what difference its made so far – both to the cause and to the student leaders themselves.

We look forward to seeing you online on September 26th at 5:30 pm PT/8:30 pm ET. Registering also ensures that you will receive the after-event recording and resources whether you attend live or not.


8:30 to 8:35 pm ET: Andrew and Melissa of EmbraceRace introduce the conversation and guests
8:35 to 8:45 pm ET: Executive Director of IntegrateNYC4Me, Sarah Camiscole, presents on the origins and purpose of IntegrateNYC4Me.
8:45 to 8:55 pm ET: Hebh and Matt tell their stories of coming to this work as student leaders.
8:55 to 9:25 pm ET: Sarah, Hebh and Matt takes your questions, comments.

Matthew Diaz is Youth Director Of National Outreach @IntegrateNYC4me. He is 16 years old and a junior at The Bronx Academy of Letters. Last year he joined an elective class called IntegrateNYC4Me, a class that sparked a citywide movement held by student activists concerned about school segregation. Specific concerns included lunch quality, sports access, curricular offerings, and music and arts programs.

Hebh Jamal leads the Committee on Race and Enrollment @IntegrateNYC4me. At the age of fifteen Hebh became a well-known advocate in education reform known for her wisdom about the impact of injustice and her vision for the possibility of a transformed society. Hebh was featured in the NY Times in “Young Muslim Americans Are Feeling the Strain of Suspicion” for her perspective on the impact of Islamophobia on young Muslims.

Sarah Camiscoli is Co-Founder and Executive Director @IntegrateNYC4me. Two years ago, Sarah co-founded IntegrateNYC4me with six students from her high school advisory class at the Bronx Academy of Letters. She is committed to building student movements and democratically elected committees of students within the city, state, and national departments of education so that every young person can co-create, inform, attend, and sustain integrated schools.

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Andrew and Melissa