When racist and anti-Semitic slurs appeared on an 8th grade web-based project, Princeton government and religious leaders produced the statement below. Superintendent Steve Cochrane published a statement earlier on behalf of the school district. To read that statement, click here.
November 16, 2017
We have once again been reminded in the town of Princeton that racism, Anti-Semitism, and hate speech can be closer to home than we wish. We see too many examples in other parts of our country and our world and we must not tolerate it here at home. The commitment to resist hatred and shape future generations grounded in mutual respect and love of others requires a community-wide effort of leaders, institutions, and families. We are grateful for the strong partners and voices that have continued to work on the values of equality, fairness, and inclusion in our community. Princeton University’s recent release of the Princeton and Slavery research should forcefully remind us and compel us to be inspired by history to work tirelessly to better the common good. In support of all who work in our schools to educate our children and youth, we are issuing a joint call to all community leaders, institutions, and organizations to speak up and speak out against hatred, racism, Anti-Semitism, sexism and all acts of hate in our community. We all must be very clear that hate has no home here in Princeton – in our conversations, in our offices and schools and in our social media. Let us model for others what it means to be upstanders and not bystanders. Please join us as we recommit ourselves to speak out against acts of bigotry of any kind. As we move into the winter holiday season, let’s all strive to be that light in the midst of darkness that can provide hope and strength and comfort and light, to begin to remove hatred from our community. We call on everyone in our community to take the time to have the difficult conversations on this topic, to talk at home and in school, in the office, the church and the synagogue, with friends, family, teachers and clergy so that we can unite against hatred. There may be no more important conversations we can have.
Rev. David Davis, Nassau Presbyterian Church
Rabbi Adam Feldman, The Jewish Center
Mayor Liz Lempert
Chief Nicholas Sutter, Princeton Police Department