Four-day pilgrimage to key Civil Rights Movement sites in Mississippi. Trip will include, among other stops, the site where three Civil Rights workers disappeared, Medgar Evers home, the Mississippi Civil Rights Museum, the Mississippi Delta where Fannie Lou Hamer lived and died, and the story of Emmett Till was killed. Learn more and register by clicking here.
Mississippi Living Legacy Pilgrimage, October 28-31, 2018
by lindaoppenheim | Aug 7, 2018 | Events | 4 comments
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I am interested in this trip. What will I need to do?
If you go to the full blog post, there are directions to click on a link to this page
Sharon, we are so happy you might be able to attend. According to the information we have, you need to pay $985 and arrange transportation, probably a flight, to Jacksonville Mississippi, arriving on October 28. Here is the link
Also you may want to see the movie about the Civil Rights Movement that screens on Wednesday, August 8, 7 p.m. at Princeton Public Library…