There is a new Not in Our Town organization in Montgomery. They are hosting the program described below.
Please join us on Monday, August 13 at 7:30-9 pm at the Blawenburg Reformed Church, 424 Route 518, Blawenburg for our next community conversation. Feel free to bring snacks to share.
We are very lucky to have Professor Karen Gaffney who will be leading a workshop based on her book Dismantling the Racism Machine
WORKSHOP DETAILS: What are some of the key myths that people are taught that perpetuate systemic racism? In this interactive workshop, Dr. Karen Gaffney will help to bridge the gap between what scholars who study race take for granted and what the public understands. For example, this workshop will debunk the false but popular ideology that race is biological by looking at the invention and social construction of race, including whiteness, starting in colonial America. This workshop is based on Karen’s new book Dismantling the Racism Machine: A Manual and a Toolbox, an accessible introduction to race and racism with tools for action. Participants will have time to discuss and apply these myths to their daily lives at work, at home, or in the community.
Equal Time for Freethought 2018 shows : Equal Time for Freethought : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive