by lindaoppenheim | Feb 1, 2018 | Documents
As Black History Month begins, the Southern Poverty Law Center has published a report that “shows our schools are failing to teach the hard history of African enslavement.” Read the report and take a quiz testing how much you know about slavery in America...
by lindaoppenheim | Nov 23, 2016 | Article
Need help in responding to slurs and discriminatory statements you hear from your family, friends, colleagues, supervisors, classmates, teachers, or even strangers? The Southern Poverty Law Center gives examples of situations and responses.
by lindaoppenheim | Jan 25, 2015 | Continuing Conversations, Opinion
Voices in the Family , a radio program on WHYY, hosted a discussion of how civil rights history is (or isn’t) taught in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. This program, available by podcast, could inform the Continuing Conversations on Race discussion on Monday,...
by lindaoppenheim | Sep 9, 2014 | News
Teaching Tolerance, a project of the Southern Poverty Law Center, just published a complete K-12 literacy-based, anti-bias curriculum, something badly needed in ALL schools in America.