by lindaoppenheim | Jan 9, 2018 | Broadcast, Podcast
“Looking at 2014 data, dating website OkCupid co-founder Christian Rudder wrote that user data showed most men on the site rated black women as less attractive than women of other races and ethnicities. Similarly, Asian men fell at the bottom of the preference...
by lindaoppenheim | Dec 17, 2017 | Documents
Dr. Travis L. Dixon, Professor of Communication and the Communication Alumni Professorial Scholar University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, is the author of a report for the Color of Change, the national civil rights organization. “The study analyzed relevant...
by lindaoppenheim | Jul 26, 2017 | Opinion
“People of all races see black children as less innocent, more adultlike and more responsible for their actions than their white peers. In turn, normal childhood behavior, like disobedience, tantrums and back talk, is seen as a criminal threat when black kids do...
by lindaoppenheim | May 18, 2017 | Article
A photo essay “Let’s Talk About Race” by photographer Chris Buck that is featured in O, the Oprah Magazine’s May 2017 issue on race, included “three photos that flipped stereotypical tropes on their heads . . . [and] depict a complex...
by lindaoppenheim | Feb 26, 2017 | Opinion
On the fifth anniversary, Leonard Pitts reflects on the shooting of Trayvon Martin: “Many Americans made him a blank screen upon which they projected their racialized stereotypes and fears. They could not allow him to be a harmless child walking home.